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The Ultimate Guide To Companion Planting With Garlic

The Ultimate Guide to Companion Planting with Garlic

Garlic is a delicious and versatile vegetable that can be used in a variety of dishes. It is also a great companion plant for other vegetables, as it can help to repel pests and improve the flavor of nearby plants.

In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of companion planting with garlic, as well as some of the best plants to pair with it. We will also provide some tips on how to successfully companion plant with garlic.

Benefits of Companion Planting with Garlic

There are many benefits to companion planting with garlic. Some of the most notable benefits include:

  • Pest control: Garlic has a strong scent that can repel a variety of pests, including aphids, cabbage loopers, and cucumber beetles.
  • Improved flavor: The strong scent of garlic can also help to improve the flavor of nearby plants. For example, when planted near tomatoes, garlic can help to enhance the sweetness of the tomatoes.
  • Increased yields: Companion planting with garlic can also help to increase yields. For example, when planted near carrots, garlic can help to improve the size and number of carrots.
  • Healthy soil: Garlic can also help to improve the health of the soil. It is a nitrogen-fixing plant, which means that it helps to add nitrogen to the soil. This can benefit other plants in the garden.

Best Plants to Pair with Garlic

There are many different plants that can be paired with garlic. Some of the best plants to pair with garlic include:

  • Cabbage: Garlic can help to repel cabbage moths and other pests that can damage cabbage plants.
  • Carrots: Garlic can help to improve the size and number of carrots.
  • Herbs: Many herbs, such as chamomile, mint, and rosemary, can be paired with garlic. These herbs can help to repel pests and improve the flavor of the garlic.
  • Fruit trees: Garlic can help to improve the health of fruit trees. It can also help to repel pests that can damage fruit trees.
  • Spinach: Garlic can help to improve the flavor of spinach.

Tips for Companion Planting with Garlic

When companion planting with garlic, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Plant garlic in the fall or early spring. Garlic is a cool-season crop, so it is best to plant it in the fall or early spring.
  • Plant garlic in full sun. Garlic needs full sun to grow well.
  • Space garlic plants 6-8 inches apart. Garlic plants need enough space to grow and spread.
  • Water garlic plants regularly. Garlic needs regular water, especially during the growing season.
  • Fertilize garlic plants once a month. Garlic plants benefit from a light application of fertilizer once a month.


Companion planting with garlic is a great way to improve the health and productivity of your garden. By pairing garlic with the right plants, you can help to repel pests, improve the flavor of your vegetables, and increase your yields.

Garlic is a versatile and delicious vegetable that can be used in a variety of dishes. But did you know that garlic can also be a great companion plant? When planted near certain other plants, garlic can help to improve their growth and flavor.

For example, garlic is a natural pest repellent, so planting it near tomatoes, carrots, or cabbages can help to keep these plants free of pests. Garlic can also help to improve the soil in your garden, making it more nutrient-rich and healthy for your plants.

If you're interested in learning more about garlic companion planting, I recommend visiting Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a wealth of information on the topic, including a list of the best companion plants for garlic, as well as tips on how to plant and care for these plants.

FAQ of garlic companion

Q: What are the best companion plants for garlic?

A: Garlic is a versatile plant that can be grown alongside many other vegetables. Some of the best companion plants for garlic include:

  • Tomatoes: Garlic helps to repel pests that can damage tomatoes, such as aphids and spider mites.
  • Fruit trees: Garlic can help to improve the flavor of fruit trees, such as apples and pears.
  • Potatoes: Garlic helps to repel the Colorado potato beetle, a common pest of potatoes.
  • Cabbages: Garlic helps to repel cabbage moths and other pests that can damage cabbages.
  • Broccoli: Garlic helps to improve the flavor of broccoli and can also help to deter pests.

Q: What plants should not be planted near garlic?

A: There are a few plants that should not be planted near garlic, as they can stunt the growth of the garlic or attract pests. These plants include:

  • Beans: Garlic can stunt the growth of beans.
  • Asparagus: Garlic can stunt the growth of asparagus.
  • Sage: Garlic can stunt the growth of sage.
  • Parsley: Garlic can stunt the growth of parsley.
  • Strawberries: Garlic can inhibit the growth of strawberries.

Q: How does garlic benefit other plants?

A: Garlic has a number of beneficial effects on other plants. For example, garlic can:

  • Repel pests: The strong smell of garlic can deter a variety of pests, including aphids, spider mites, cabbage moths, and Japanese beetles.
  • Improve soil quality: Garlic can help to improve the drainage and nutrient content of the soil, which can benefit other plants.
  • Enhance flavor: The flavor of garlic can also be enhanced when it is grown near other plants.

Q: What are the benefits of companion planting with garlic?

A: Companion planting with garlic can offer a number of benefits, including:

  • Increased crop yields: Companion planting can help to increase the yields of your crops.
  • Improved plant health: Companion planting can help to improve the health of your plants by deterring pests and diseases.
  • Enhanced flavor: The flavor of your crops can also be enhanced by companion planting.
  • Reduced need for pesticides: Companion planting can help to reduce your reliance on pesticides, which can be harmful to the environment.

Q: How do I choose the right companion plants for garlic?

A: When choosing companion plants for garlic, it is important to consider the needs of both plants. For example, you will want to choose plants that have similar water and sunlight requirements. You will also want to choose plants that will benefit from the presence of garlic, such as those that are susceptible to pests that garlic can repel.

Image of garlic companion

5 different images of "garlic companion" from Pinterest:

  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes and garlic are both members of the nightshade family, and they benefit each other by attracting different pollinators. Tomatoes also help to deter pests that are attracted to garlic, such as aphids and spider mites. Image of Tomatoes and garlic companion planting
  • Fruit trees: Garlic can help to protect fruit trees from pests and diseases. It can also help to improve the flavor of the fruit. Image of Fruit trees and garlic companion planting
  • Potatoes: Garlic and potatoes are both heavy feeders, so they benefit from being planted together. They also help to deter each other's pests. Image of Potatoes and garlic companion planting
  • Cabbages: Cabbages and garlic are both susceptible to cabbage root maggots, but they can help to repel each other's pests. Image of Cabbages and garlic companion planting
  • Carrots: Carrots and garlic can help to deter each other's pests, such as carrot flies and aphids. Image of Carrots and garlic companion planting

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